“Do not fear ridicule or rejection; fear the consequence of an unlived life that comes from not expressing yourself or pursuing your own path.”  – Brendon Burchard

First and foremost, Brendon Burchard is amazing and if you’re not following him, listening to him, reading his books, etc. you really should start!

Aside from that, I want you to read the quote that I posted above and then read it again and then read it again. As you read those words, pay attention to how you feel. I’ve found that if I allow myself to quiet my mind and really listen to my heart and my gut, they’re almost always trying to tell me something.

As I read things, have conversations, explore new experiences, etc., there is always an energy and a feeling that comes along with that. Our lives are so busy that we have become very good at ignoring those feelings and what they are trying to tell us, or maybe we don’t even hear them at all. 

My challenge for you is to slow down, listen and pay attention to your feelings, your energy, and your true expression and purpose. Lean towards the things that bring you joy and fulfillment (without worrying about ridicule or rejection) and be brave enough to start to lean away from the things that are not taking you down the path that leads to a full life.

Most importantly, give yourself permission to evolve, grow and change if you need to. You owe it to yourself and the world around you to show up as only you can. Your heart will thank you!
